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Key dates

Check the application closing dates to make sure you get yours in on time.

Do you like to have tasks done ahead of time, or are you a last-minute rush kind of person? Either way, you might want to make a note of these important deadlines. 

Application dates

Enrolment dates 

As soon as you accept your offer, we’ll send you an email explaining when and how to enrol. If you lock in your units (subjects) early, you’ll be able to create your timetable when preferencing opens. If you're studying nursing or midwifery, you'll have different timetable preferencing dates.

Study dates 

Your future study might seem a long way off right now, but this list of important dates for upcoming semesters will give you an idea of how each teaching period is structured. And when the breaks are (i.e. what date you should book your holiday).