Diversity and inclusion
We love our diverse community. At Federation, every student is included and supported.
Be yourself at Federation
When you sit next to someone in a lecture theatre or see a classmate online, you know you have things in common. Assignments to work through. Deadlines to meet. Bad student ID photos. But you also know that you’re different. That you’re both unique. And that’s what we love about Federation. Our students are all … people who study. After that? Individuals. Individuals who together make up our beautifully diverse community.

You belong at Federation
Inclusivity is ingrained in everything we do. We consider visibility in our marketing materials, we train our teachers, we make our facilities more accessible, we celebrate IDAHOBIT and Transgender Awareness Week. Our aim? For you to feel comfortable in your own skin. Comfortable and supported.
Use the name you choose
You might not identify with your legal name. No problem. We can put your chosen name on your student card, in your Fed email address and on our online learning platforms.
Equity for better outcomes
We support our students based on their needs. University is challenging, but it shouldn’t be a struggle. If you’re looking for alternative entry pathways, financial assistance, learning access plans – any kind of help – all you have to do is ask.
Embracing diversity
We love our mix of international and local students. That’s why we hold so many multicultural events at Federation. We want to learn about and celebrate your background – your faith, your traditions, your lifestyle.
Student support
You might be the first person in your family to go to uni. Perhaps English is your second language. Maybe you have carer experience. Whatever your situation, know that study is possible. Because you have a goal. And we’re here to help you reach it

Your safety is our priority
We want you to thrive at Federation, free from discrimination, bullying or harassment. Our Safer Campuses initiative is all about taking action, delivering training to staff and students, reviewing the safety of our physical and online environments and supporting anyone who has experienced harm or threats.