Co-op cadetships
Cadetships are where you and Federation work together to simultaneously recruit employees and students directly out of secondary school or the broader employment market. This model can include part-time study and full-time work, or full-time study and part-time work.
Here’s how it works
- We work together to advertise your position externally.
- Candidates are shortlisted, with course entry requirements taken into account
- You interview, find your preferred candidate and offer them employment.
- Your brand-new employee enrolls in a Federation Uni course and begins studying while they work.
It’s all about that work/study balance
Depending on the course, a Cadet could be studying part-time and working full-time, or studying full-time and working part-time.
The most common structure looks like:
- Cadets needing to attend classes, either in-person or online, two days a week for 24 weeks of the year.
- Cadets would be able to work up to three days a week during teaching periods and more in non-teaching periods.
- During teaching periods, while classes will be blocked into two days a week, additional reading and assignment writing will be required.
Good for you and for them
Benefits to your organisation include:
- Cadetships can address skills shortages in your organisation
- Provide active involvement in developing your pipeline of new talent to fulfill your workforce needs.
- Cost effective recruitment.
Be part of it
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