EDECE3020 Collaborative Learning Project
Embedded in this course is the Extended Practicum for final year Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) as an 'immersion' type placement. This Professional Experience placement builds on previous practicum experience, and provides further grounding for the development of teaching knowledge and practice for classroom readiness. The placement presents opportunities for PSTs to engage in ideas and theoretical frames within education, to connect these with practice and reflect on the implications of such connections. By the end of this placement, the PSTs should apply knowledge and skills as set out below and in consideration of the Professional Teaching Standards and in line with the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA). All evidence will support the Round Table Conference which occurs in Term 4 and is the opportunity for PSTs to present their growth and learning. As the placement progresses, PSTs take on the role similar to that expected of beginning 'classroom ready' teachers.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) unit fee
A Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) is one that is subsidised by the Australian Government, which means students only pay the student contribution amount of the tuition fee. CSPs are only available to eligible domestic students.
The student contribution amount depends on the unit and how much funding the Government provides. Each unit is classified into a band based on its discipline (which may be different to your overall course discipline).
2025 student contribution amount: $578
2025 grandfathered student contribution amount (for students who commenced before 1 Jan 2021*): $578
* If you are a continuing student (who commenced your course before 1 January 2021) you will continue paying the same amount as you would have, had legislative reforms not been implemented for any units that would otherwise have an increased student contribution amount.