BUMGT5920 Management in a Global Business Environment
This unit is concerned with the nature of managing in global business. Specifically, the unit considers unique or unpredicted demands placed on managers by new and challenging business environments, and hence, implications for management development needs. The world of business is constantly being shaped and reshaped by social, economic and technological forces. As a result of the interdependent nature of these influences, the conduct of business in one part of the globe can have profound consequences for individuals, managers, businesses and communities in other locations worldwide. This unit develops an evolving account of international business practices in the context of the environment in which they occur. Using a critical approach, the course examines theory and practice of management and organisations when operating across national and cultural borders. The implications of these practices for future management development are identified and discussed.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) unit fee
A Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) is one that is subsidised by the Australian Government, which means students only pay the student contribution amount of the tuition fee. CSPs are only available to eligible domestic students.
The student contribution amount depends on the unit and how much funding the Government provides. Each unit is classified into a band based on its discipline (which may be different to your overall course discipline).
2025 student contribution amount: $2,124
2025 grandfathered student contribution amount (for students who commenced before 1 Jan 2021*): $1,663
* If you are a continuing student (who commenced your course before 1 January 2021) you will continue paying the same amount as you would have, had legislative reforms not been implemented for any units that would otherwise have an increased student contribution amount.