BAFLM2003 Media and Representation
This course introduces students to debates and concepts relating to representation in and through a diverse range of media texts (i.e. literature, television, cinema, and comic books). The course begins by looking at how various branches of the mass media present texts as purported reflections of a stable, consistent and consensual social reality, and then turns toward examining how those same texts, in fact, shape and even create that reality. Thus the focus is on examining texts both as discursive and aesthetic objects (which provide pleasure and/or information), on the one hand, and as social and ideological constructs (particularly in respect to ideas of sexuality, gender, identity, race, culture and community), on the other. In doing so it examines the analysis of mass media texts in more advanced terms than was introduced in First year, potentially drawing from such concepts and theories as ideology, semiotics, discourse analysis, the ethics of looking, and speaking on behalf of the other, as well as theories of affect, queer and Trans, feminism, and psychoanalysis, and recent accounts of technics and the postmodern. It also examines a range of formal textual features and compositional techniques in terms of their potential social, political, conceptual and corporeal effects.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) unit fee
A Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) is one that is subsidised by the Australian Government, which means students only pay the student contribution amount of the tuition fee. CSPs are only available to eligible domestic students.
The student contribution amount depends on the unit and how much funding the Government provides. Each unit is classified into a band based on its discipline (which may be different to your overall course discipline).
2025 student contribution amount: $2,124
2025 grandfathered student contribution amount (for students who commenced before 1 Jan 2021*): $997
* If you are a continuing student (who commenced your course before 1 January 2021) you will continue paying the same amount as you would have, had legislative reforms not been implemented for any units that would otherwise have an increased student contribution amount.