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TAFE students shine at FedAwards

26 October 2023
Federation TAFE students shone at the 2023 Fed Awards which celebrate the exceptional achievements of Federation University students in volunteering, leadership, clubs, sports, and more. Diploma of Community Services student Rebecca Griffiths was named Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year while Diploma of Nursing student Ella Donovan-Clancy was awarded Student Leader of the Year.

Federation TAFE students shone at the 2023 Fed Awards which celebrate the exceptional achievements of Federation University students in volunteering, leadership, clubs, sports, and more.

Diploma of Community Services student Rebecca Griffiths was named Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year while Diploma of Nursing student Ella Donovan-Clancy was awarded Student Leader of the Year, the first time a TAFE student has won in that category.

Rebecca, a trainee at Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative (BADAC), is working as a Women’s Community Connection Worker. Her award recognised her as a role model for other indigenous people in the community and the university. A fantastic ambassador for the Diploma of Community Services course, Rebecca encouraged others to sign up for study, and even completed the course early, inspiring other students to do similarly. She also supported fellow indigenous classmates to maintain good study habits and empowered them to believe in themselves.

Rebecca was nominated by Federation TAFE Community Services teacher, Mark Tonzing.

“Rebecca's efforts in returning to study and working through her learning needs, together with her empowering, motivating and engaging with other trainees to study and commit to the traineeship program was admirable. She also developed learning support groups for herself and other BADAC trainees to catch up and assist each other to understand the theories of each unit,” said Mark.

Student Leader of the Year, Ella, was nominated along with Diploma of Community Services student Rachael Lott for their work as student representatives on the TAFE Excellence Committee. Together they advocated for TAFE students to ensure the student voice is prominent in influencing the decision making of the TAFE leadership team.Ella Donovan-Clancy and Chris Noonan

Federation TAFE Director of Learner Experience and Excellence, Chris Noonan, who chairs the committee, said, “I am in complete admiration of the leadership these young students display, and in awe of their passion and drive to improve the student experience. Ella and Rachael are two of the best young leaders I have ever come across and I am extremely proud to have them represent TAFE. Their leadership and contributions to Federation TAFE and our students is very worthy of recognition.”

Ella was overjoyed the received the award. “It was such an honour to represent Federation TAFE. I have had so much opportunity to develop my leadership skills and advocate for the students, and I am grateful to have been nominated by my peers and Federation staff. I felt pure joy to receive the award and I can't wait to see what lies ahead.”

TAFE students felt heard and supported as a result of Ella and Rachel’s efforts. As part of their roles on the Excellence Committee they surveyed and conducted focus groups with fellow students with the feedback received directly resulting in improvements to the TAFE online admission process, better student access to timetables, improved pathways from TAFE to higher ed, guaranteed positions for TAFE students in the Bachelor of Nursing course, improvements to placement uniforms, and more. They also advocated for TAFE students’ inclusion in the Peer Mentor Program, as well as producing a series of videos that communicate to peers what has been achieved throughout 2023 as a direct result of their voice.

While there could only be one winner for the category, Rachel was honoured to have been co-nominated for the Award.

“The work and scoping Ella and I completed has all been focused on making sure future TAFE students have the best possible experience, and the same access, support, and visibility as higher education students. We've made a great start and have exciting opportunities for further improvement in future.”

Congratulations again to Rebecca, Ella, and Rachel, who are wonderful examples of the Federation TAFE student body.