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It's never too late to learn

31 May 2024
An increasing number of mature age students are taking advantage of Free TAFE to learn new skills, upskill, change jobs or careers, and re-enter the workforce, proving it’s never too late to return to study.

An increasing number of mature age students are taking advantage of Free TAFE to learn new skills, upskill, change jobs or careers, and re-enter the workforce, proving it’s never too late to return to study.

Deanne Smith worked as a graphic designer for nearly 20 years before deciding to study a Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management at Federation TAFE to redirect her career towards something that better aligned with her personal values.

“I have always had a connection with nature and the environment, and a yearning to develop an understanding of ecosystems and how they support life. After attending an open night at Federation TAFE, I felt that the Certificate III was the right choice.” 

“The decision to change my career path was motivated by the need for a more fulfilling and purpose-driven professional path, and it's a change I haven't regretted.”

Deanne’s subsequent success in her chosen course was recognised with the EJT Tippett Outstanding Achievement Award for Vocational Student of the Year at the 2024 Federation TAFE Awards for Excellence.

"Winning was confirmation that changing careers to work and study in a field I care about was the right one. Studying at TAFE has opened up a pathway towards higher education that I wouldn’t have thought possible a few years ago, and I am excited for what the future will bring."

Tammy McDonald is another midlife career changer. Despite always having an interest in nursing, Tammy felt the timing wasn’t right for study straight out of secondary school and instead pursued a career in marketing and communications while raising a family.

After experiencing her own health problems including a battle with cancer, and with the maturity that life experience brings, Tammy chose to study a Diploma of Nursing using Free TAFE.

“During my life, I have seen many nurses, some good and some not-so-good. I wanted to be one of the good ones and help others just as I was helped.” 

“I felt I had grown enough personally and was ready for the challenges that nurses face. It was the right time for me. I wasn’t trying to juggle work, childcare, studying and a social life. My family are almost all grown up and have supported me through my studies.”

Tammy took up a nursing traineeship at her local hospital and was later named Federation TAFE 2024 Trainee of the Year.

Since finishing the Diploma, she has transitioned to a Bachelor of Nursing with Federation University and settled into a role as an Enrolled Nurse which she is finding very rewarding.

“Some say it’s late in life to start a new career however I still have 20 years of my working life left before potential retirement, so I say, ‘why not?’”.

Despite not having studied for over 25 years and feeling hesitant about diving back into the world of education, Kim Lehane was won over by Free TAFE, choosing to study a Certificate IV in Disability Support.

“Study is a luxury, and I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise. I'm single with four children, two still at home, so having the course government subsidised was really attractive. Free TAFE got me on board instantly.”

“I thought long and hard about making a career change. I'm 47 years old and although I have other qualifications, I was at home for a portion of 12 years raising children. When I re-entered the workforce, I found there was no growth in the industry I was in, and the wages were too low."

"I wanted to undertake something that I could grow into. I want to climb the ladder.” 

After graduating Kim has secured full-time employment at The Ballarat Specialist School as an Education Support worker in a high support room and looks forward to what the future holds.

Fee-free TAFE is a great opportunity to learn something new, change direction, and find your dream job. Federation TAFE offers 31 Free TAFE courses that help address skills shortages in critical areas within regional Victoria and over 6,000 students in the Ballarat and Wimmera regions have undertaken Free TAFE courses with Federation since 2019.

It is never too late to study for your dream career. Visit for more information.