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Vital mental health research for rural and regional Australian communities

Written by Rebecca ยท 31 October 2022

An innovative virtual research and training institute – the first of its kind in Australia – is being launched with the support of Federation University Australia to improve the mental health and wellbeing of rural, regional and remote communities.

Manna Institute unites leading mental health researchers from seven universities in the Regional Universities Network (RUN) including Charles Sturt University, Central Queensland University, Federation University, Southern Cross University, the University of Southern Queensland, the University of Sunshine Coast and lead institution the University of New England. This unprecedented collaborative effort will foster relevant research, professional workforces, and the translation of research findings into practical, place-based programs.

Each Manna Institute member university will be represented by three researchers with Federation University’s team comprising Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Dixie Statham in the role of Chief Investigator, Dr Biswajit Banik as Mid-Career Researcher and Dr Jasleen Chhabra, as Early Career Researcher.

Leading national mental health researchers across a vast geographical footprint are already partnering with industry and community partners (including Everymind, Lifeline Direct and the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research) to tailor solutions specifically to their regions. It represents a serious, long-term commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of the one-third of Australians experiencing much poorer mental health than their metropolitan counterparts.

Funded by a $3.66 million Commonwealth grant under the new Regional Research Collaboration program, Manna Institute mobilises individuals embedded within vulnerable communities.

By building research capacity within the regions, Manna Institute seeks to create the educational pathways that will ensure future generations of mental health researchers capable of developing targeted solutions. Tertiary learning opportunities for community members will also expand the pipeline of skilled practitioners.

Quotes attributable to Federation University Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology, Dixie Statham

“I am excited about being part of a research institute that is virtual, where most of our work and interactions are conducted on digital platforms rather than face-to-face in a bricks and mortar building.”

“As a resident of Ballarat, I am very aware of the acute and chronic mental health difficulties and the challenges around availability and access to services in my area. Federation University also has other regional campuses, including the Gippsland campus in eastern Victoria, where there are significant challenges in mental health and wellbeing. Developing strong and enduring relationships and facilitating greater integration with local service providers, industry and communities across regional and rural Victoria is fundamental to improving psychosocial well-being.”


Rebecca Perovic
Media and Communications Advisor (TAFE)
03 5327 9575