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Inspiring Australians headline Federation's festival of thought-provoking events

Written by Carmine · 1 March 2023

Federation University Australia will host a series of thought-provoking events in March as it steps up its plans to bring a ‘university town’ atmosphere to the heart of Ballarat.

The line-up at Federation’s Ballarat Campus (SMB) includes Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey AC, Emeritus Professor Murray Gillin AM, Senator Patrick Dodson and Dr Jackie Huggins AM.

Federation Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Duncan Bentley said the University is honoured to be hosting such an inspiring and diverse array of speakers.

The first event on 15 March sees the launch of Federation’s new National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth and Justice. Led by Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Gunstone, the Centre will lead national and regional transformational change. A highlight of the event will be a panel discussion with Senator Dodson, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, and Dr Huggins, a member of the Federal Government’s Referendum Working and Engagement Groups. This event will be streamed online, members of the public can reserve their place by registering online.

The second event on 16 March is specifically designed for Ballarat employers and will foster a new spirit of co-operation in meeting the skills needs of the region. It will feature a panel of expert speakers including Emeritus Professor Murray Gillin, past President of Engineers Australia, the World Association for Co-operative Education, and Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.

Then on 24 March, two weeks after celebrating his 93rd birthday, Professor Blainey, described as a living treasure by the National Trust, will speak on ‘The State of the World. The eminent historian who has written over 40 books was educated at Ballarat High School and was appointed as the University of Ballarat’s (now Federation) foundation Chancellor in 1993. His book, A Short History of the World, is translated into many languages. To make a booking, members of the public can complete the online registration form.

The events are part of Federation’s vision to bring a ‘university town’ atmosphere to Ballarat and coincide with more teaching activity being clustered at the SMB campus, helping to generate a new sense of vibrancy and economic activity in the CBD.

Professor Bentley said he wants Federation’s campuses to be places for the whole community to experience and enjoy.

He hopes the events program can grow and evolve over time with other possibilities including music and film events, community markets and exhibitions – all taking advantage of the university’s ultra-modern facilities and amazing historic setting in the heart of Ballarat.

Quotes attributable to Federation Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Duncan Bentley

“Through thought-inspiring events like these we want to generate a ‘university town’ experience in the heart of Ballarat and that means creating a sense of connection, not only for our staff and students, but for everyone.”

“By establishing new state-of-the-art facilities and clustering teaching activity at our SMB campus, Federation will ultimately bring thousands of students into central Ballarat every day.”

“This will create an exciting and engaging student experience, support economic growth and encourage new traders into the CBD, and bring new energy and atmosphere to the city centre.”


Carmine Moscaritolo
Media Manager