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Federation University secures record number of New Colombo Plan scholarships

Written by Megan · 8 December 2023

Federation University Australia has secured six scholarships as part of the New Colombo Plan (NCP) Scholarship Program. 

The NCP Scholarship program is an initiative from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) that is designed to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific by supporting Australian students to study and undertake internships in the region. 

The program provides scholarships to a diverse cohort of Australian university students to undertake offshore programs including study, internships, mentorships, and language training for up to 19 months in eligible Indo-Pacific host locations. 

Bachelor of Veterinary and Wildlife Science student, Amira Ah Yee Sima, will be heading to Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2024 and said Malaysia will be the perfect place to expand her knowledge of conservation and wildlife. 

“I feel beyond grateful and lucky to have this amazing opportunity. As well as a general study load, I would like to undertake cultural and social activities, participate in homestays in a language course, and visit other regions, zoos, and sanctuaries. Observing and learning how wildlife and conservation programs are implemented in Malaysia.” 

“Malaysia is known to be ranked 12th for biodiversity in the world. They also have a range of interesting species and conservation programs for them, such as dugongs, sea turtles, Bornean elephants, tigers, and orangutans.” 

NCP Scholarships are open to eligible Australian undergraduates currently studying at Australian universities. 

Before heading overseas, the six Federation recipients will go to Canberra for a three-day intensive training program to help prepare for their overseas travel. 

The Scholarship recipients will also attend an awards ceremony on 5 December at Parliament   House in Canberra. 

Enrolments for the Bachelor of Veterinary and Wildlife Sciences and other courses are now open, for more information visit  

Quote attributable to Federation University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Duncan Bentley 

“This is the first time that Federation has secured six scholarships in the New Colombo Program, which demonstrates the hard work of our staff and students. These prestigious scholarships provide evidence that our students display academic excellence, leadership, adaptability and resilience on a national and international level.” 


Megan Whytcross
Corporate Communications Advisor