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Federation University and Southern Rural Water developing new tech to clear waterways

Written by Megan ยท 10 April 2024

Federation University Australia has partnered with Southern Rural Water (SRW) in co-designing UV-C radiation technology to efficiently combat submersed aquatic weeds in the Macalister Irrigation District. 

Federation University MSc by research student, Dian Udugamasuriyage, is exploring the feasibility of using UV-C light radiation to kill aquatic weeds, which will help to manage efficiency of water flow in irrigation channels. 

Dian’s research has been made possible thanks to an industry-funded Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) grant, which is an integral part of Federation’s Co-op model.  

Federation’s Co-op gets students work and world ready, through direct connection to employers, paid placements, career preparation and workplace skill development, supported by a leader in student support, skills development and social equity.  

“Currently, I am checking the cellular level changes that effect on aquatic plant leaves from UV-C radiation. This will give us conclusive evidence that aquatic weeds can be killed using this radiation. After that, an application will be designed as an apparatus to be used in the field,” Dian said. 

Maintenance Supervisor at SRW, Peter Miller says the industry will benefit from removal of dangerous chemical use by introducing this technology. 

“Not having to use chemicals will be the winner. Currently we have to stop irrigation during the season to treat weeds. We are also using dangerous chemicals, which is not ideal,” Peter said. 

“Additionally, the technology will create a more environmentally solution than using chemicals,” he said. 

Dian says that conducting the research in partnership with industry means the focus is not only on the academic outcome of the project, but that tangible solutions are being found. 

“From this co-op placement I had the opportunity to engage with employees of Southern Rural water. I was able to gather knowledge on the operations, and how agricultural water demand is handled,” Dian said. 

Quotes attributable to Federation University Associate Professor in Mechatronics, Gayan Kahandawa Appuhamillage 

“This study pioneers the exploration of UV-C light for managing aquatic weeds, which has the potential to revolutionise management of our waterways. There hasn't been any comprehensive research conducted on this subject until now, highlighting the novelty and importance of this work.” 

“Collaborating with the local industry is gratifying, especially when observing the direct impact of our efforts in enhancing safety for everyone involved.”  

Quotes attributable to Federation University Lecturer in Environmental Sciences, Dr. Kushan Tennakoon  

“This is a classic instance of one of our collaborative industry research partners providing an opportunity for a post grad student to engage in a real-world research project co-designed with them.” 

“We envisage that results of this novel investigation will help reduce the chemical pollution caused by synthetic herbicides currently used to control aquatic weeds in our irrigation channels.” 

“We expect to further investigate the potential of integrated use of UV-C treatment with other ecofriendly management actions such as bioherbicides as a long-term solution over traditional synthetic herbicide applications.” 


Megan Whytcross
Corporate Communications Advisor
0484 301 058