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Federation TAFE set to give more people in prison a better chance of success

Written by Rebecca · 1 July 2024

Federation TAFE is set to significantly expand its provision of education and vocational training services in Victorian prisons and post sentencing facilities after signing a new six-year agreement with the Department of Justice and Community Safety commencing 1 July 2024.  

The agreement will see Federation continue to deliver vocational education and training to learners at Langi Kal Kal Prison, Hopkins Correctional Centre and Rivergum and Corella Place post-sentence facilities in the Grampians region and expand education delivery to facilities in the Barwon Southwest Region, including Barwon Prison, Marngoneet Correctional Centre, and Karreenga Annexe.  

Federation’s prison delivery model will encourage personal development, self-efficacy, and wellbeing, with each student assessed to determine the best education intervention to improve their individual capabilities.  

This will provide learners with the skills to become job ready and gain meaningful employment post-release, increasing chances of successful rehabilitation and reintegration into the workforce and community and decreasing the risk of reoffending.  

Federation will aim to ensure people in the correctional system have equivalent opportunities to people in the community and prioritise the needs of the most disengaged and disadvantaged learners.  

Training will focus on critical language, literacy, numeracy, and digital skills, be industry aligned and promote pathways into skills shortage areas as identified in the Victorian Skills Plan.  

Quotes attributable to Federation University Australia Provost, Liam Sloan 

“Federation has supported learners from diverse backgrounds to transform their lives through industry-aligned high-quality vocational education and training for many years. By equipping students in correctional facilities with job-ready and world-ready skills, we are supporting them to secure ongoing post-release employment and a successful future.” 

“I would like to thank the Department of Justice and Community Safety for choosing Federation TAFE to deliver in their Barwon Southwest Region. Securing this agreement is an endorsement of the fantastic work Federation staff are already doing in educating students within correctional facilities and we look forward to expanding our education delivery to help more learners.” 


Rebecca Perovic
Corporate Communications Advisor