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Federation TAFE funded to boost agriculture training

Written by Rebecca ยท 8 June 2023

Federation TAFE in partnership with Longerenong College has received up to $1.87 million to modernise training for the next generation of Victorian agricultural professionals.

The funding was announced by Minister for Agriculture Gayle Tierney as part of the State Government’s $15 million Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund (ATTF) for Victorian TAFEs and learning provider projects supporting new curriculum design, delivery and equipment, embracing emerging technologies and incorporating Aboriginal agricultural knowledge and practices.

Together, Federation TAFE and Longerenong College who provide most training for agriculture students in the Wimmera, Grampians and Central Highlands regions, will partner to comprehensively revitalise and improve current training resources for the Free TAFE Certificate II, III and IV of Agriculture programs.

Agriculture training will continue to be delivered at both institutions with Federation to now utilise the Longerenong College site and new accommodation to support program delivery to students. Training materials will also be designed for online delivery.

The project will also aim to improve connections from secondary schools to Vocational Education and Training, into higher education and ongoing skills development in the workplace.

A comprehensive pathway for students from Federation TAFE’s Certificate III and IV in Agriculture programs into Longerenong's Diploma of Applied Agronomy and Advanced Diploma of Agribusiness Management programs will be developed.

A critical element of the planned curriculum development will be the embedding of indigenous cultural information include recognition of traditional landowners into the certificate qualifications. The development of this study unit will be supported by the involvement of the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative.

In addition to indigenous knowledge, other focus areas for the improvement of current learning resources will be emerging technologies, sustainability, efficiency, contemporary farming practices, and the impact of a move to a zero emissions economy on the agricultural sector.

The project will involve key Victorian industry groups including Southern Farming Systems, the Ballarat Agricultural and Pastoral Society, and Western Agriculture who will support the development of contemporary training resources as well as provide access to their trail sites for student education.

Victorian Skills Authority data estimates nearly 3,000 agricultural workers will be needed by 2025, with a significant number of those in the broadacre and intensive farming areas of the regions Federation TAFE and Longerenong College serve. It is anticipated the redevelopment of the qualifications will attract more students, address skills shortages, support employee development, and have a positive impact on the local agriculture industry.

The Agriculture TAFE and Training Fund is part of the Future Agriculture Skills Capacity Fund established under the Victorian Government’s $50 million Agricultural College Modernisation Program, which supports more Victorians to pursue careers in agriculture.

Earlier in the year it was announced that Longerenong College alumni will receive recognition of prior learning for agricultural and agribusiness training from Longerenong towards the Federation University Bachelor of Business degree.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Gayle Tierney

“We’re making sure the next generation of farmers is prepared with the tools and skills they need to respond to the ever-evolving demands of modern agriculture.”

“These grants will provide a major boost to our agricultural training providers and are just one way we are encouraging more Victorians to pursue a future career in agriculture.

Quote attributable to Federation TAFE Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Mr Liam Sloan

“Federation TAFE is pleased to partner with Longerenong College to train the next generation of agriculture professionals across Victoria. The ATTF grant will support students from both institutions to benefit from a fresh and modernised curriculum and provide the best possible outcomes for our students and communities in the regions where we operate.” 

“Federation TAFE is committed to addressing skills shortages in regional areas, particularly in priority sectors such as agriculture.”

Quote attributable to Avril Hogan, Head of Campus and General Manager, Longerenong College

“Longerenong College is excited by the opportunity to partner with Federation. As a partner in this project Longerenong College will support the development of learning resources and will host intensive training days and weeks for Federation students at the Longerenong College campus that includes the DATA Farm with its focus on precision agriculture technology, and 1100 Ha commercial farm. Making agriculture education more accessible through online training opens the industry to those who would like to retrain but cannot commit to full-time study.  Everyone wins when education is accessible.”

“Importantly this project will also see an articulation pathway formalised between Longerenong and Federation TAFE ensuring that students from Federation can move seamlessly to study Diploma qualifications with Longerenong College.”


Rebecca Perovic
Media and Communications Advisor (TAFE)