Federation launches new National Centre for Reconciliation
A new National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice launched at Federation University Australia will provide national leadership on Indigenous issues.
The Centre’s work will include national and regional dialogues on the Uluru Statement from the Heart, with its calls for Voice, Treaty and Truth, and state approaches to truth-telling and treaties, such as the Yoorrook Justice Commission and the First People's Assembly of Victoria.
The Centre was launched in a special event at Federation’s Ballarat Campus (SMB) on March 15 which was attended by special guests from across Australia. The focal point of the event was a panel discussion featuring Senator Pat Dodson, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Dr Jackie Huggins AM FAHA, a member of the Federal Government’s Referendum Working and Engagement Groups, and Federation University Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Reconciliation, Professor Andrew Gunstone.
Federation Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Duncan Bentley said the Centre will lead regional and national transformational change across industry, community and academia, through a rich program of research, education, engagement, outreach and advocacy activities.
The Centre is led by Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Reconciliation, Professor Andrew Gunstone, an international expert in academic and industry understandings and engagements with reconciliation.
Internationally renowned Indigenous academics, Professors Bindi Bennett, Dennis Foley, and Emma Lee have also just been appointed to the Centre, where they work with several leading industry and academic adjunct researchers and Federation University researchers.
The Centre is another step in Federation’s ongoing journey in supporting the national reconciliation movement and working collaboratively and inclusively to advance outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Quote attributable to Federation University Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Duncan Bentley
"Federation University is deeply committed to being a national and regional leader in reconciliation and we are taking important steps in this journey including endorsing the Uluru Statement from the Heart and working on an ambitious new Reconciliation Action Plan.”
“By establishing the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice, we can take a holistic and substantial approach to reconciliation with three senior Indigenous Professors to help lead this work.”
Quote attributable to Federation University Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation, Professor Andrew Gunstone
"I am delighted to establish and lead the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth and Justice.”
“The National Centre will provide national and regional transformational leadership in understandings and engagements with reconciliation.”
“In a short time, we have already appointed three senior Indigenous professors, recruited several leading academic and industry fellows, and established an Advisory Board with national Indigenous and reconciliation leaders.”.