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Federation and Latrobe Health Assembly support online safety for young people

Written by Stephanie ยท 3 May 2023

Researchers at Federation University have joined forces with the Latrobe Health Assembly (LHA) to deliver the Latrobe Health Relationships Online (HeRO) Project.

The aim of the Latrobe HeRO project is to explore the experience of, attitudes towards, and perceptions of "healthy" and "unhealthy" online behaviours in intimate relationships in young people living in Latrobe Valley.

The data gathered will be analysed by the research team, led by Federation’s Dr Evita March, and will be used to develop educational tools that can be delivered by a range of stakeholders with the goal of promoting healthy and safe online relationship behaviours and experiences.

Adolescents (aged 15 to 17 years) and young adults (18 to 25 years) living in Latrobe Valley are invited to participate in this project. Participation will include completing an online questionnaire and attending a one-hour group discussion.

Participants will receive a $50 gift voucher for completing the questionnaire and attending the group discussion. Interested parties can sign up for participation at

Quote attributable to Dr Evita March, Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Federation University

“Technology facilitated intimate partner violence disproportionately impacts adolescents and emerging adults, especially those with lower levels of digital literacy. There is a critical need for evidence-based interventions to support these vulnerable groups, especially in communities that markedly experience systematic intimate partner abuse. This project will help develop educational tools that will boost positive interventions for young people in our region.”

Quote attributable to Ellen-Jane Browne, Executive Officer, Latrobe Health Assembly

“The Latrobe Health Assembly is pleased to be partnering with Federation University on this important research as we strive to promote healthy and safe behaviours online for our youth.”



Stephanie Charalambous
Media and Communications Advisor
0429 360 727