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Excellence on show at Federation TAFE Awards

Written by Rebecca · 1 March 2024

Federation TAFE’s outstanding achievers were celebrated at the 2024 Federation TAFE Awards for Excellence with forty award winners announced at a gala event at The Mining Exchange, Ballarat, on Thursday 29 February.

Recipients across 33 categories were recognised for excellence in their chosen areas of study and presented with certificates by guest speakers including Deputy Mayor, City of Ballarat, Cr Peter Eddy, and President of the Rotary Club of Ballarat and City of Ballarat Councillor, Samantha McIntosh.

The Federation TAFE Apprentice of the Year Award went to Certificate III in Engineering student Jonah Moloney-Wise, while Diploma of Nursing student Tammy McDonald was awarded Federation TAFE Trainee of the Year. Tammy was one of six recipients from the Wimmera region.

Deanne Smith, a Certificate III in Conservation & Ecosystem Management graduate received the prestigious EJT Tippett Outstanding Achievement Award for outstanding achievement in and dedication to her studies. Deanne worked as a graphic designer for two decades before coming to Federation TAFE to change career and follow her passion for nature and the environment.

Certificate III in Electrotechnology student Traiyth Leffler was presented with The Rotary Club of Ballarat Endeavour Award while there were two winners in the Federation TAFE Growth Award category – Katherine Jones and Ruby Bending-Norman, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander First Nation students who demonstrated significant commitment to their studies.

Federation TAFE Information Technology teacher, Dr Adam Bignold won VET Teacher/Trainer of the Year for his role in the revitalisation of Federation TAFE’s Certificate IV in Cyber Security curriculum to better meet the needs of neurodiverse and ESL students.  

The Federation TAFE Awards for Excellence incorporated the Craftsperson Awards where over 260 students who successfully completed apprenticeship training in 2023 were welcomed with the honorary title of “Craftsperson of the City of Ballarat” by Federation University, the City of Ballarat and the Rotary Club of Ballarat. Dating back to 1956, the Craftsperson Awards also acknowledge the region’s businesses who participate in the apprenticeship scheme.

Quotes attributable to Federation TAFE Deputy CEO, Mr Darren Gray

“Congratulations to all the 2024 Federation TAFE Awards for Excellence winners and nominees. These awards celebrate the outstanding achievements, determination, and enterprise of our students, apprentices, trainees, and teachers, as well as the support of local employers and industry.”

“The award winners have shown excellence in pursuit of their studies and chosen careers and we look forward to seeing the positive impact they will make within their communities and industries.”

Quotes attributable to City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Des Hudson

""The City of Ballarat is proud to support Federation University Australia’s TAFE Awards for Excellence.”

“Having sponsored the Craftsperson Awards since 1956, we understand the importance of training to acquire skills and knowledge to help obtain gainful employment and in turn provide benefit for Ballarat.”

“We value our ongoing association that exists between the City of Ballarat and Federation TAFE.”

Quote attributable to President of the Rotary Club of Ballarat, Samantha McIntosh

“As President of the Rotary Club of Ballarat and knowing that 260 artisans completed their apprenticeships last year, I was humbled to be a part of the Federation TAFE Awards for Excellence. Knowing these awards have been operating since 1956, where exceptional talent and dedication is celebrated, our Rotary Club’s recognition is extended to all the winners. I look forward to seeing them all achieve great things in their careers."

Quotes attributable to EJT Tippett Outstanding Achievement Award recipient, Deanne Smith

"Winning the EJT Tippett Outstanding Achievement Award was confirmation that changing careers to work and study in a field I care about was the right one.”

“Our cohort was fortunate to have incredible teachers that are passionate about sharing their knowledge, and they delivered content in a supportive, hands-on learning environment. I owe my success to having teachers that did all they could to help their students succeed.”

“A decision to study at TAFE has now opened up a pathway towards higher education that I wouldn’t have thought possible a few years ago, and I am excited for what the future will bring."


Rebecca Perovic
Corporate Communications Advisor