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Budding artists showcase their work

Written by Stephanie · 22 November 2022

Emerging artists from across Ballarat and Gippsland will showcase their work as part of Federation University Australia’s End of Year Exhibition (EYE).

The exhibition showcases works by students from the Arts Academy’s graduating classes of 2022 across visual arts, ceramics and graphic design programs.

Featuring paintings, 3D works, drawing, digital imaging, printmaking and ceramics, the exhibition is an opportunity for students to curate works under the guidance of their lecturers and present it in a professional setting.

EYE represents the culmination of two to three years of study and holds special significance for students who have transitioned between campus and online learning during the global pandemic.

The exhibition will be held from 26 November to 4 December at the Mining Exchange, Ballarat, with opening night 6pm Friday, 25 November.

Gippsland’s opening night will be held at 6pm Wednesday, 23 November, with the exhibition running until 30 November at Churchill’s Switchback Gallery.

To accompany the physical exhibition, an online gallery featuring works from EYE across the Ballarat and Gippsland campuses has been created, giving students an opportunity to reach an even broader audience.

To view the online gallery, visit and search for ‘End of Year Exhibition’.

Quotes attributable to Federation University Australia Associate Professor Richard Chew, Director, Arts Academy

“EYE is a highlight of our annual public events program at the Arts Academy, where students are given the opportunity to curate their work and present it to their communities in a professional setting.”

“Many of the students represented in this exhibition have spent time transitioning between campus and online learning for the greater part of two years and their achievement is testimony to their creativity, resilience and courage.”


Stephanie Charalambous
Media and Communications Advisor
0429 360 727